This is not new. I mean, I’ve been working on this since my early puppy days. It’s part of learning to be a phantastik-happy-dog (PHD), and I’ve heard the people here call it “discovering fizziks”. Yes, I'm the dog who discovered fizziks.
What’s that? I’ll tell you how. You use some of those tools you have. That’s your mouth, your paws, sometimes your tongue, and sometimes your whole body. Get into it and touch everything, lick everything, bite as fast as you can when something flies by your eyes, bump into walls and doors and people and animals.
Sometimes you just gotta hype yourself up — they call me “crazy dog” around here. But other times, it’s a vibe to just lay back, chill, and chew on something.
I love my mouth. It’s my pride. My mouth is faster than a speeding bullet. (Hah! Bet you didn’t know I know something about hiztory.) My teeth are getting bigger and so sharp I can slice a leaf in half while running by it as fast as I can.
I also love holding two things in my mouth at once. It’s an art. Especially with something soft and squeaky and something hard and round and bouncy. Now, that’s lit fizziks.
The best part of fizziks? Getting totally wiped out and crashing with a squishy dino plush in your mouth.
Gettin’ my PHD. Yes, dog!