They call me Denali. I didn’t pick the name, but I suppose if I did, then it would be Denali.
You see, I love mountains. I don’t have any idea what a mountain is, but I know I like new things and I bet a mountain would be an amazing new thing for me to explore.
Explorer. That’s what I am. The people who live here and bring me food (late! it’s always late!) call me “puppy”, but the truth is I’m Denali the explorer. I touch everything I see with my nose, and then with my paws, and then my tongue, and then my nose, and then … you get the picture. (Can I lick you?)
These people explained to me that my name is like the name of a famous mountain in some place they called “ah, laska”. I don’t know that any of that means. I’ll find out.
You see, I love mountains. I don’t have any idea what a mountain is, but I know I like new things and I bet a mountain would be an amazing new thing for me to explore.
Here’s what I dreamed of me exploring mountains.
(One of my people made that. I’m not that serious and MY EARS ARE UP!!)
You’re going to read a lot more about my exploring. But first, I need to get those people to feed me! Again!! Food!!! Hey, how about some dinner!!!!